2 week old kittens with eye problems

by courtney

my kittens are 2 weeks old and one had a kind of scab like thing completly covering its eye the other kitten was starting to get one i used a warm wash cloth and it got it off but its coming back and i dont know if i keep on wiping it off or take them to the vet???????

Answer by Kate
well it may be that it just fluid build up which goes hard, sort of like the stuff we get in our own eyes when we wake up in the morning. in which case the kittens may have some sort of eye infection which is causing this fluid to build up excessively.

if i were you i would definitely take your kittens for a check up, the last thing you would want is for an infection to cause any permanent damage to their eyes. it is always better to be safe than sorry i think.

i do have a web page about cat eye problems which you may find of further interest here


best wishes Kate

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