3 yr old cat acting unusual

(Wisconsin )

I have noticed that my male cat has been acting weird since i took him and his new brother of 3 months to the vet. The 2 are close in age and get along get. With in the last 2 days the older one has started to sleep a lot. He doesnt even look at me when i enter the house. I have to go right by him until he bothers to notice. I also noticed that his eye had yellowish goop in his one eye that he has never had, his but area looks dirty kinda looks like he had loose stool and he isnt playful. However he walks and purrs like normal. i havent noticed anything different in his eating or using the bathroom. Help im worrried :(

Yes it does sound like he may have some sort of infection perhaps conjunctivitis (a infection can also upset tummies too even if they are unrelated)
I have a web page about eye problems which you may find of further help here


However your best option is to take him to the vets as soon as you can so that a proper diagnosis can be made and also the right medication to be prescribed.

Hope he is better soon


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