31/2 month kitten

by Linda Laframboise
(Peterborough, ON Canada)



My 31/2 month old kitten it seems like today she doesn't want to eat very much even treats and drinking some milk. She was eating yesterday but today she sleeping more today than any other day and she's not as playful as she was as she's usually energitic. She was the runt of her litter and she was pretty tiny when I got her at 8 weeks.

Answer by KAte
Hi well it is a little early to be able to say if she is suffering from something which needs vet treatment or not. It is possible that she is just suffering from a little bug/virus that will pass in a day or so.

It is important to make sure that she continues to drink water as dehydration can happen very quickly.

If she is still the same or gets worse in another day then I would certainly recommend that you take her to the vets as soon as you can. Being the runt of the litter may make her more susceptible to illness.

I hope she is Ok again soon

best wishes Kate

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