5 month old kitty, now sleeping all the time

We have a 5 month old kitty that was very very active and in the past week has started sleeping all the time and doesn't even chase her toys. Is she sick or is 5 months when she will start calming down a bit? She is still eating, using the litter box, and purring.

I'm not sure if this will help, buy her dad, my husband came home from football with a ringworm on his arm....could this have something to do with it?

Answer by Kate
No this is not normal behaviour for a 5 month old cat, in fact they don't really start to calm down until much later in life.

Cats have lots of energy and inquisitiveness and so they will normally remain active until old age. the only times they are not is when they are not feeling so good. So yes I would suggest that your cat is not feeling well and yes she may have picked up worms.

i would take her to the vets for a through check up so that anything else can be eliminated.

best wishes and i hope she is back to her energetic self soon


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