5mth old female cat having trouble lying down

by Greg
(Montreal, quebec, canada)

Hi, my 5mth old female cat having trouble lying down, or more specifically setting down her whole body when trying to do so.

She is craving attention from myself, my roommates and as seen last night, very friendly with one of Our other cats, a 3GS old male. They get along very well, and Play all the time, and it often ends up in a bit of a wrestling match.

Back to the main point. She is 'chirping' (which she hasnt done excessivley before, and nos does so when i can see whe has something affecting either her capability of urinating, or defacating (which i havent obsered yet ) and meowing quite a lot.

She is lifting her ass in the air when lying down straight, and I need some assistance in figuring this out.

Many Thanks.


Greg is she spayed yet?

If not then these signs could simply be her entering her first heat. Lifting of the backside and being overly affectionate and chirruping can be a sign of this.

Please see my page about cats in heat for more information here



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