6 week old kitten with yellowish diarreah

by Nicole
(Boston, MA)

I got Rikki a week an a half ago when he was 5 1/2 weeks old so he's abot 7 weeks now...a couple days ago he started to get diarrhea and I thoughht it was because he started to eat real food not formula but now its got worse. He's going every few hours and it has turned almost yellow and completely liquid...I am bringing him to the vet tomorrow but what can I do now? He's eatin wet and dry food drinking plenty of water and VERY playful and energetic but I'm worried he could have a fever due to dehydration because sometimes he feels warm but other times he feels cool. What do I do I am so worried he's like my baby!

he is very young in deed. Normally a mother cat would wean her kitten during the 8 to 12 week range. So it could be that the food is too rich for his tummy still.

You need to stop feeding him the food and return to the kitten formula. this will help to keep him hydrated and also his tummy full. the diarrhea will take several days to subside.

Your vet may give him some rehydration medication if he feels the kitten is suffering from dehydration.

The vet will also be able to test for any other possible causes such as worms etc.

Hope he is better soon

I have some pages about kitten care which you may also find of further help and interest. here is the first page



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