6 wk old female/ vaginal bleeding

by Mist
(Houston, TX)

I have a 6 wk. old female kitten that has had bloody chunks coming out of her vagina on 2 different occasions. She is very healthy, eats well, smart, and has even gone in the litter box a few times. She has been bottle fed by me since she was 3 days old and is still on formula. She doesn't seem to be in pain after passing the blood or any other time. Please HELP!! I really want to know what could be wrong with her?

Answer from Kate
well this is not normal and may be related to the birthing process but may also be caused by an infection. If it were me i think i would take her to the vets make sure she does not have an infection. Any signs of blood needs to be investigated further.

Hpe she is better soon

best wishes Kate

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