7 month old kitten sits with one leg/hip sticking out

by Lisa Ayers

I adopted a beautiful Lynx Point Siamese cat. She is happy,healthy, and has a wonderful active and loving personality. She is 7-8 months old now and has been spayed. She does this odd thing that I'm wondering about. When she sits back on her hind quarters, the left leg/hip sticks out or appears to be out of alignment compared to the other side which lines up right underneath her.She runs and plays and never limps or walks funny nor does she ever appear to be hurting or favoring that leg/hip.

Have you ever heard of this? Could it simply be just an oddity of hers without being a defect? Thank you so much, i appreciate your input!

Answer by Kate
Snap! I have two boy kittens around 8 months old and they both sit like this. i call them wonky donkeys. i don't think it is a medical condition as you say there is no limping or pain etc. i think it is just their own particular oddity.

best wishes Kate

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7 month old kitten sits with one leg/hip sticking out
by: Anonymous

I have a cute tabby cat. He is happy, healthy, and has a wonderful active and loving personality. He is 6-7 months old now. When he sits back on his hind quarters, the left leg/hip sticks out or appears to be out of alignment compared to the other side which lines up right underneath her. He runs and plays, but sometimes limps. Can you figure out what could be the problem? Thank you so much, i appreciate your input!

Sounds to me like he may have sprained his leg. he really does need to see a vet about this as soon as possible as the cat may be in some discomfort.

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