7 yr old male tabby cat keeps leaving wet patches on bed covers

by Ruth Davidson

is this normal? for example i was sitting in bed the other night and he came wanting to sit with me. he went to sit on my lap and began paddling on me, his back end however was on my leg and he was still paddling with his front paws. i pushed him a little but it did nothing he carried on, in the end i just moved him off the bed and when i did there was a wet patch about the size of a 10 pence coin where his back end had been. he has done this many times before and it puzzles me. i cant talk to my mam about it because its difficult to explain and in my opinion its a little embarrassing. Please help me if you can and thankyou in advance.

Answer by Kate
Well he may be a little incontinetent or has weak muscles in that area which when relaxed leak a little. So when he is paddling you which is a happy relaxing thing for him to do, he may relax so much that a little urine leaks out. Have you smelt it to see if it is urine?
the other possibility is that he recently washed himself or urinated a little while before he came to sit on you and that this area was still a little moist.

I wouldn't worry too much unless you see other signs of illness or if the issue gets any worse. In which case he will need to be checked by a vet.

best wishes Kate

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Cat leaking
by: Anonymous

My husband has noticed the same thing with one of our male cats. He is a year od this month and when he sits on one of us, he leave a small wet mark about the same of an American dime. He seems to be in good heslth. He has all his shots, a beautiful shiny coat and he eats nuritipus food and fresh greens. We really take good care of him. We just noticed it the past couple months.

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