8 month old female cat cooing and lying around with her butt in the air.

by Kym Reeder
(Mesa, AZ. USA)

Rogue is the one in the bed, the other two are Peanut and Laszlo

Rogue is the one in the bed, the other two are Peanut and Laszlo

My 8 month old female cat Rogue has for the past 3 days been cooing and lying around with her butt in the air. I haven't gotten her spayed yet so I was wondering if she is in heat? Is this normal? My dog seems to be very interested in smelling her butt?

Answer from Kate
Hi yes it does sound like she is in heat. these symptoms are classic signs.

I have a web page which you may find of further interest here


best wishes Kate

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My male is neutered
by: Kym

The weirdest thing is happening. When I got my female there was another litter that I chose a male from and he is also about 8 months old. He is neutered and keeps climbing on top of my female in heat, is this normal?

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