by Sara
My cat is 1 year old and usually very active and playful. She is acting weak, she sleeps most of the day and she is not eating very much. This started about 3 days ago. I started giving her Viralys gel yesterday. The vet told me to give it to her when I first got her. What is wrong with her? What should I feed her? She eats a few bites of dry food twice a day and I tried tempting her with 3 kind of natural wet food. She ate a little bit of one of them yesterday but just starts smelling it and cleaning her paws then walks away. I am very concerned for her:( She seems congested as well. She does not have diarrhea or any other symptoms besides lots of sleeping, appearing, weak, and not wanting to eat the food I give her. She does seem hungry though because she gets a little excited when I first give her the wet food.
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