Abandoned Male Cat

by Michelle

I am the proud parent of 2 female cats. One is almost 18 yrs old and the other is 7 yrs old. They are both indoor cats, who have had happy healthy lives. They are very territorial, so when they see another cat outside they become very puffed up and start hissing and growling. It is something to see. Anyway, about a month ago a male cat started coming around and strangley my cats did not react. In fact they almost starting this purring whirring sound. This male cat just cries and cries outside our door. I became concerned for this stray for it is obvious he is homeless so I started feeding it. Well, that was probably a mistake but what can a animal lover do? This male cat made his way into our home and actually got along with my cats. He was very loving and affectionate. He would eat, sleep and then go back outside. I was O.K. with that. About a week ago he changed. He stated becoming aggressive toward me and my cats. He won't let me pet him anymore and my 7 yr old doesn't like him now. My 18yr old just ignors him. My heart aches for him. I live in a very rural country area with no animal rescue or shelters. Should I stop feeding him and see if he'll go find another home? I can't have him upsetting my cats. I can't even get near him. What should I do for this poor cat? I hate people who abandon their animals. Also, just want to thank you so much for this great site and for being a cat lover! Thank-you!

Answer by Kate
well it is strange that his behaviour has suddenly changed. If he is not neutered it may have something to do with that.
As for your options, well if he is a stray and is not neutered then you may want to consider having him neutered as this will calm him down and make him less aggressive and territorial etc.

the other option is that you continue to feed him outside but stop him coming in any more. At least this way he will still be fed but will not be able to upset the family and the other cats.

To stop feeding him would be unfair, now that he expects food from you. And you never know if he would be able to find enough food on his own.

Thank you for your nice comments about my website, I put a lot of time and effort into it and hope that it both an enjoyable and helpful place for fellow cat lovers.

best wishes Kate

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Stray Bully
by: Anonymous

The moment I started feeding the stray outside, is the moment my own cats stopped coming home. The stray guards my yard, attacks my cats, steals their food, and has basically chased my own cats away. If you don't plan on keeping the stray, you best leave it alone sooner rather than later. Now I haven't a clue how to fix this.

What about trying to catch the stray and see if it can be rehomed?

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