about my male cat peluche

by nancy hernandez

ive asked questions before on here.but hes been laying around alot.and sleeping.also has bad gas and stomachs been bloated.and when i try massage or rub his tummy.he bites me.could the gas and bloating be sign worms,i know his stomach hurts him,becuz hes been laying on his tummy.please help.thank u

Answer by Kate
No bloating is not a common symptoms of worms. Gas etc is a sign of a digestive problem. Have you taken him to the vets recently? i think this would be the best thing, especially as he is also displaying signs of discomfort i.e lying around a lot more and also pain when you rub his tummy. It really is impossible to try and guess at what his problem is, he needs to be properly diagnosed.

best wishes Kate

Comments for about my male cat peluche

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by: Anonymous

I have a female cat with the same chronic problem (not gas, but bloating), and sometimes bad smell. She licks her bum all the time, too, and sleeps on her back a lot. The vet says she has a form of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), like the human kind. They can give you medicine - mine takes a liquid drop of metoclopramide. It can get expensive, but I use it sparingly when she is obviously not feeling well.

about mymale cat peluche
by: nancy hernandez

ive noticed lately.he doesnt drink the water i set out for him and his brother.hes been drinkingout of our toilet.plz tell me is this normal.for a cat to do this.he sure has been drinking.it too like hes dieing a thirst.omg plz tell me something thank you for all your replys sincerly mrs hernandez.and merrychristmas to u and ur family.and have a happy and safe newyear

your response
by: hello kate

thank you for your reply.back about peluche.isnt there some kind of petstore that has products for helping animals with their digestive problems?i did take him to the vet before.they treated him for worms.but also wanted to do xray of his abdomen.like you said about his digestive.to make sure nothings wrong with his stomach.but at the moment times are reallyhard for money.and i know its gona cost alot of money just for the xray alone.but i guess if thats my only opportunity.then thats what i gota do thankyou

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