Adopted by a Persian
by Elizabeth
(Terryville, CT)
We are adopted parents of a white Persian who is about 2 years old. There are two problems that we do not seem able to solve. The first is her eyes seem to discharge a brown tinged tear and it is staining her fur. We have heard of
"Angel Eyes" that is beef liver dried. Is there any other solution that is not as expensive?? Also, she will not let us groom her underside. How do you get a cat to allow you to comb through that long hair???
Answer from Kate
i believe that white furred cats do have more staining around the eye area simply because it shows up more. It does not necessarily mean that there is an eye problem
It may simply be that you have to wipe her eyes every day to try and keep the area as clean as possible.
As for the grooming. unfortunately if a cat has not been groomed from birth they can be very resistant to being groomed especially on their belly.
You need to start trying to touch her tummy more often to get her used to you touching it. Also let her see the combs etc, leave them around so that she gets used to them.
Also just try to introduce the brushes to her slowly, try a every night, just lightly around her neck etc at first. She should get more and more used to it over time.
you could also try one of those cat mitts which are also good at keeping the fur groomed but is more like a hand than a strange brush etc.
best wishes Kate
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