adult attacked kitten

by jeanette beauvillier
(quesnel BC)

I have had my adult female cat for three years when I brought a 4 week rescued female in to the house. My adult female took a little bit but warmed right up to the kitten, starting cleaning her, and generally loving her. Two months later i wake up to my kitten screaming and my adult cat ready to kill it. the kitten had diarreah and had pooped all over the floor and the window sill. I got everything cleaned up but now my adult cat is ready to kill my little kitten and I have seperated them to different rooms. Is my kitten sick and this is why this happened...or is it something else?

Answer by Kate
Unfortunately cats are strange when it comes to each other. When they are kittens they are no threat and so are treated as babies. But as soon as the kitten becomes old enough to be moving into adult hood which is usually from 3 months onwards things can change and suddenly they see each other as rivals. Also two female cats together are generally more volatile.

The sudden behavior change could have something to do with the kitten being unwell, the female cat may sense this and this is frightening her. Often cats will act with aggression when they are fearful.

My advice would be to have the kitten checked out by a vet and then to separate the two for a week or so and then to gradually reintroduce them using the safe method described here

best wishes Kate

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