Afraid Cat

by Pat Johnson
(Nashville, TN)

We've had a calico for about 7+ years. Very sweet, friendly but lately she has become afraid of just about eveything in the bedroom end of the house. Anything on the floor, especially black or clothes hanging off a chair.

She use to come in my room and get on my bed and snuggle. Now, she's constantly searching to see if there's anything there that can hurt her. Pops her claw at everything.

But she loves to sleep on me while I'm sitting in den. She still goes outside. Don't know how to help her get over this fear. There is nothing in this house that will harm her.

The only frightening thing is about a year ago, a dog ran her up a tree and I had to fetch her, but, that was outside.

Any suggestions?
Pat Johnson

something must have triggered this reaction even if you are unaware of what it could be. It may have been something as simple as a loud bang which may have startled her.

Any way she is having a ifficult time regaining her confidence. There are a couple of thngs you can try.

You could try keeping her n one room for a day or so so that she has less things to worry about and will have time to calm down.

You can also try some of the cat calming sprays on the market or medications designed to help a nervous cat. Some cats respond better than others to these things but they may be worth a shot if your cat is finding it hard to calm down. I have a page about nervous cats on my site which you may find of further help here

Also have you checked to make sure she does not have any fleas or other skin irritations which may be making her feel a little skittish. Always worth checking.

I hope she relaxes soon and is back to her old self soon. If things do not improe over the comin weeks it may be an idea to have her looked over by the vet.

best wishes kate

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