aggressive cat doesn't like being stroked

by louise

Why dosnt our cat like being stroked? its so aggressive when you go to touch her, also shes just attacks you even when shes purring?

Answer by Kate
well it all depends on how she has been brought up. If she has been played with in the past with people hands, sort of rough and tumble then she will always associate peoples hands with that game and so her attacks are part of the game.

I don't know how she was when you first had her but the first 7b weeks of a kittens life is known as the sensitive period and this is when it is important for the cat they are gently picked up and handled during that time so that they get used to it. Perhaps in your cats case this did not happen.

It may well be that you will have to start some training with her using the cat friendly discipline method which is the best way to teach a cat because it uses the language they understand of positive and negative reactions.

every time she goes for you you need to walk away from her quickly and quietly every time. the full explanation of the process is described here on my page

Cat discipline

If your cat is still quite young you do have a good chance of changing this behavior but you will have to be patient with her and give her time to adjust.

best wishes kate

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