all cats in house acting odd

by Lauren
(snowflake, arizona)

Hi, I have four cats. The mother, and 3 of her kittens. They are all very healthy energetic cats and I haven't ever had any trouble with their health from any of them. The kittens are actually about 6 or 7 months now, which aren't really kittens any more but anyways, all of the cats but the mother are limping. I don't see how they could all get hurt at the same time but they are all limping, not active, meowing if you pick them up. They aren't extremely hungry, but they do eat if you put food in front of them. They just aren't active, and dont want much to do with any one. I don't know if I should be worried or not. Thank you, Lauren

Answer by Kate
I don't like the sound of this at all. your right in saying it is extremely unlikely that they would have got hurt at the same time. So i would have to say that it must be a illness which perhaps has a symptom of limping. i really would get them booked in to a see a vet as soon as possible. When kittens or young cats are not active and are not eating well as well as showing physical signs of illness they really do need to be seen by a vet as soon as possible.

i would be fascinated to know what the vets diagnosis is, as the limping does sound strange.

i hope all is well again soon

best wishes kate

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my kitties
by: Lauren

Thank you very much for your response. I am going to take them to the vet, I read about Feline Calici Virus, and I was thinking that sounded much like what my cats have. I am not sure, we brought home 2 stray baby kittens that ended up dying (had gunk in eyes, not active, etc.) We were bottle feeding them but they just didnt make it. Im thinking they may have had something that they could have given to my cats, not sure. Anyways thank you very much for responding. Its not common to get answers so quickly on a site you don't pay for now days, ha. Thanks! :)

And Ill let you know what vet says

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