Baby Girl catl needs help

by Teresa
(Kent WA)

Baby Girl on left, Buddy on right

Baby Girl on left, Buddy on right

Baby Girl is two and has developed excessive grooming and now she has scabs that run from mid back to the beginning of her tail. What is going on? Our older cat of 12 does rough house with the two year old, is it possible that his teeth are breaking her skin and causing the scabs? Is there anything I can put on Baby Girl to help sooth the itching?

Thank you

Answer by KAte
over grooming can be a sign of anxiety and this can be caused by a skin allergy or parasite problem which is causing her to try and stop the cause of her anxiety.

please see this page for more on this subject here

It would be a good idea to have her checked over by a vet to find the right diagnosis.

I hope she is better soon

best wishes KAte

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