Back legs, sudden Death

by Ingrid Laurenson

My Cat was fit and healthy on the Monday, on the Tuesday she was dragging her back legs, so i decided to take her to the vet in the morning, she seemed to have perked up on the Tuesday,when i got home that night she was stone dead in the middle of the floor, she was 5 years old, Do you know what happened to her?

Answer by Kate
I'm not sure if you took her to the vet or not.

It sounds to me like she was either run over or received a blow to her back which could have caused the dragging leg problem and if there were internal injuries she could have died from those.

I am not a vet and only a vet could have examined her to ascertain what the problem was.

I am sorry to hear of your loss.

best wishes Kate

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Diet may help
by: Fly Over

Hootie was my furry friend for 15 years. For the last couple years she had been slowly losing the "spring" in her hind legs. She would mostly pull herself up on the couch with her front paws. Very playful, good appetite, she walked normally and navigated the stairs slowly. Atrophy in her thigh mussels and occasional loud crying in the morning were symptoms. She played with my shoe strings most every morning. She was let's say a "happy kitty"... until this morning. I found her behind the couch with a soft meow and she would not come to me. Her back legs were totally paralyzed and she was incontinent. She could only pull herself froward with front claws and paws. She was very weak and docile. I took her to the Vet and she was put to sleep that afternoon.

In my opinion give your cat digestive enzymes, clean grass to enjoy and a little cod liver oil. Cod liver oil will help thin the blood!

The most probable cause of Hootie's condition was a blood clot, common to cats, a clot that lodges in critical blood flow areas that feed the back legs. This is from my own research, I am not a Veterinarian.

Hind right leg dragging n thn kittens died
by: Anonymous

I don't understand why's that all my kittens r passing away showed to the vet hr says thy are all fine but 2 passed away fore turning a month old n 3 passed away after the age of one month..first i thought mother isn't feeding well enough but top feed isn't helping either. Thy all start loosing weight drastically n suddenly n the right side hind limb seems loosing motor control n the next day thy pass away turning very feeble within few hrs and there body shrinks alot before few hrs of there death..i m devastated...the departure for them is also very terrible and painful followed by seizures n slow n painful death😢😢😢i have no clue whats wrong..out of 7 only 2 r left...thy both even seems as have stepped on the same path😞😞

Back legs stopped working. Mobility became unbalanced.
by: Barb

I had 4 kittens. I had msgd spca what age I could bathe them they said any age as long as they are dryed properly so I bathed them. The soap I used was baby shampoo mixed with apple cider vinegar to help with fleas.they were dryer properly. I had 1 kitten who started having unbalanced problems then seemed sick then died then a 2nd kitten started showing the same signs and now a 3rd ones back legs have stopped working and things are not looking good what's happening. Did my bath cause sad.

My girl "Friday"
by: Monica

2 days ago my sweet girl suffered the same fate in the late afternoon. No warning signs. Later investigating with the apartment building video,it captured her sudden inability to up and run and then dragging her back legs, her sudden ability to up and run back to our door. When I opened the door to let her in about an hour later,(time frame on video)there she was. Lying still. Events unknown to me then,I thought l she was sleeping. I nudged her but she did not move to come in. I reached down to stroke her and realized she had passed and only an hour earlier.My heart aches she died alone, my sweet black angel. She was merely 4 years old.

I know how you feel
by: Anonymous

This happened to our cat Mama. We had to put her to sleep cause she was in terrible pain and crying. She was fine the night before then when we got up in the morning she was dragging her back legs. It was awful. We stayed with her till the end comforting her and just being there. She was 15 years old and there was nothing they could do for her. This is just something that happens. Anyone who has been thru this I am sorry you have to go thru it. Remember you HAVE to think of the cat and whats best for them. We miss her and I think I hear her meow and have even looked over and coulda swore I saw her.

this happened to me
by: katris

was an anurisym, and a blood clot moved to his spine and paralyzed him first, then later he died.

Back lags sudden death
by: Anonymous

I had this horrible experience this past Saturday. At 3 a.m., my cat woke me up with an unusually loud meow, or so I thought. I told him that it was too early to get up. He then let out a terrible cry. I ran to see him in the living room. I called to him and he did not come. I went to him and he was panting. I brought him water, but he would not put his face to the bowl. I fed him water on my finger. i realized he could not move. His hind legs were to the side. He cried again. (All of this happened in the course of about three minutes). I got dressed, wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the veternary hospital. My cat suffered from hypertropic cardiomyopathy. He has thrown a clot with became lodged in the heart near the hind legs cutting off circulation. I left the hospital with the plan of visiting him the next day, while he had additional tests and was stabilized. The hospital called me within an hour of my arrival home. He ws getting worse. The vet was very kind and supportive. (I had never dealt with an emergency like this before). I made a very painful decision to let my relatively young (6 years) friend go. the whole event from inception to passing was less than 4 hours. I am still reeling. This is apparently not an exceptionally rare occurance. I am told that felines are particularly good at hiding heart problems. Mine had never seemed anything but healthy, and was running and jumping earlier in the day. My solace is that I was there when this happened, and intervened immediately, so that he did not have to suffer any longer thatn necessary. For anyone out there who has had this hideous experience, my heart goes out to you. Know that there are others who have felt the same pain and doubt that is articulated best for me in the question: "What could I have noticed that might have kept this from happening?" The vet told me that this is frequently undiagnosed until the horrendous event. I so miss my little friend. Peace to all who read this and especially to those of you who have experienced this.

Comment by Kate
thank you so much for contribution. It will be of comfort I'm sure to others in the same situation.

Thank you

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