Balding around neck?

by Jordan

Hey. I've got a twelve year old cat. He's still very active, goes out a lot and gets himself in to a fair bit of trouble. He's had bald patches before from fights so we recognise it pretty easily, but for the past three weeks he's had a bald patch on his upper back (right near the neck) and today we noticed baldness around his neck. He also came back with a drooping left eye. It may be fighting but there's no wounds or scabs to be seen. Any ideas?


Answer by Kate
hi well there are several possibilities but as it is around his neck it would suggest a parasite problem particularly fleas.

As for his drooping eye well i don't like the sound of that and if i were you i would want to take him to the vets to make sure that there is no chance of infection or if there has been some other trauma which has caused it.

Hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate

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