balding cat

by branbear
(canada )

my 7 week old kitten is balding around the neck and down the spine. He has no scabs, redness or fleas. He was abandoned by his mother and was fed cat milk using a syringe. What is wrong with him?

Answer by Kate
If he is wearing a collar especially a flea collar then I would remove this straight away as this is often the cause of irritation and fur loss.

if not then there are several things it could be from a skin allergy to mites to eczema or even a food allergy. really the area needs to be seen by a vet who may want to take some samples for testing to identify the true cause. it really is impossible to try and guess what is causing it, but it does sound rather nasty to me.

i have a web page about skin issues in cast which you may find of further interest here

best wishes Kate

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