Barnie ragdoll cat

by carol mitchell

my ragdoll cat is 3 years old and is very thin he only eats very small portions and is easily sickened with certain good variety cat foods he looks fine and plays well but I am concerned as Ithought this breed were meant to be large heavy cats

Answer by KAte
You have not mentioned if you have taken him to the vets fto be checked out in the past.

It may be that he was the runt of the litter and so may have some health issues which prevent him from putting weight on.

I would have him looked at by a vet and get their opnion on him, they may want to do some blood work to rule out certain health problems.

He may not be able to digest his food properly inside and so does not get the full benefit of his food and that is way he is not putting weight on.

he really does need to be examined by a vet soon, so that any treatment available can be started.

best wishes kate

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