Bathroom Troubles with Cat

by Christine
(BC, Canada)


I've had my cat for 5 or 6 years now and aside from a few minor issues she's been a very healthy normal cat.

I've just noticed in the last day or two that she will be walking along and then all of a sudden drop to the ground and start licking her hind quarters...her bum to be more specific.

She's been de-wormed twice. One when I first got her and again a year or so later when I got a new kitten who was rescued from a shelter....but that was years ago.

To further my concern, I came home tonight to find a splotch of feces near her litter box and when I went to clean it up I noticed her...trying to use the bathroom - she didn't seem to go though she was there a while.

5 - 10 minutes later she tried to use the bathroom again then came over to sit beside me and started to clean her rear again.

I don't know if she has the runs or is constipated or what the problem is, but I am becoming concerned.

There has been no diet change in the last several months. I ran out of litter last week and used an organic replacement that she refused to use so I immediately replaced it with her normal litter.

The only other information I can think of to give you is that there are several neighborhood cats that roam about and I do let her out in the evenings when I come home from work. She stays inside during the day and comes in before i go to bed in the evening. There is one cat that has been hanging
around my yard and my neighbor keeps leaving food out. If he is ill (he has a weird snuffly breathing issue) would any food he eats or feces he creates that she gets into affect her? I've never seen her eat any food that isn't hers and she leaves him alone when he is near...
She is a pretty timid cat and stays to herself so I doubt she has gotten into anything weird.

I'm writing this epic novel about my cat and I must sound very paranoid but I lost the kitten I mentioned above 6 months after I got him and had to put him I'm wary of any issues (minor or major) I have with my current cat. That isn't a situation I want to experience again.

If you have any helpful information, suggestions etc please let me know. I love her dearly and want to keep her happy and healthy.

Answer by Kate
Hi well this is difficult to answer as it could be several things which is causing the situation. Do you give her the monthly flea spot on treatments, these also contain medication to prevent some forms of cats worms.

i ask as one of the possibilities is that she has worms which may be uncomfortable for her and is perhaps making her feel as if she needs to go to the loo. the other options are a UTI infection

or is constipation

or may even be infected or blocked anal glands.

As you can see there are several possibilities and the only real way to be sure would be to have a vet check them out.

Love the picture by the way.

best wishes kate

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