BB my cat is sick again

by Sidgy Graziade3i
(Amherst, NY, USA)

over 1 week ago, 51/2 month kitten was vomiting green stuff and stopped eating and I really thought she was going to die and trying to get a Vet to see her was terrible, no one would take down payment and monthly payments. The Vet hospital that would see BB, was willing to work with me, and did not ask for $200.00 for first visit. after examing BB, He felt she may have infection or may have eaten something, the total bill was around 600.00, and seeing that I did not have that kind of money

being on Social Security Disability,I only receive $715.00 monthly. So he took blood and gave her her liquids and gave me [baytril 20mg. & tube of supplemental vitamins. after one day home she started to act like her self again and was also eating. now 2 days ago she started to throw up again, but it was the food she ate, she also wanted to eat and tryed, but as of yesterday she stop eating, only drinking water, what could be wrong and what can I give her to eat so she wont get sick on it, please help, I do not have extra $150.00,
what I paid Vet last week please could you try and help me help her , I love this little baby kitten who was always full of life and it is killing me to see her like this and then to know tha no one will help her with out have a few hundred dollars in your hand, I was not asking for hand outs, just time to pay on the bill.

Answer by Kate
Whoa your vets are expensive aren't they, here in the Uk a
standard visit would cost about £35 with medication extra but even so your bill did seem rather high.

kittens are often very vulnerable to infections etc and digestive problems are not uncommon. lets hope that this time she has just picked up a bug that has wiped her out for a few days. As long as she is drinking water that is a good sign as dehydration can set in quickly. Don't force her to eat, she may just need a little rest.

Make sure that you are feeding her good quality kitten food, this will contain all the nutrients to help them grow then one they are an adult move over to normal cat food.

if diarrhoea starts again, cut out the kitten food and give them just a simple plain diet for a day or so to give their digestive system time to recover. plain boiled chicken (no bone) is good for a day or so.

the problem is that you will have to find funds at some stage to have this kitten vaccinated 9 to prevent further illnesses0 and also have her spayed. this is also a good idea to prevent any more kittens being born and it will also help your cat be a more contented less frustrated cat.

if her health continues to suffer try contacting a animal charity in your area, there are many all over the country and at the very least I'm sure they will be happy to advise you further, they may even be able to help with vet fees etc.

i wish you every success with the care for this kitten it can be an undertaking that can be stressful, but it is certainly worth the effort.

best wishes Kate

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