been a week 7days since babies born.

by brenda

its been 7 days the cat had kittens 5 only two lived, she is still large, she eats drinks very loving loves her belly rubbed, but her belly feels like a water balloon is inside her what does this mean?

Answer by Kate
well she is probably full of milk for the kittens and if she only had two that loved she may have more milk then the two kittens are eating.

Make sure the kittens are getting milk from her and that the teats are not blocked.

there are illness which can affect the mammary glads so keep an eye for any signs of ill health or distress.

if it is that she is just full of milk then this should adjust itself over the next week or so. if you are still concerned then give your vet a call to see if he thinks whether of not he should see her or not.
bet wishes Kate

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