Behavioral response or medical issue for my cat

My cat is 10 years old now and a few months back I got a dog. I was initially worried about my cats' reaction but overall they didn't seem to care. The one in question would hiss at the dog if it got close but otherwise she's ignore it.

Though now she's hissing more and more and not just at the dog. She'll freak out if we move when she's on our lap, growling and hissing before she gets off. The dog is usually on the couch when she does this, but generally she is on the other side, no where near the cat.

I also found poop on the floor one morning. I initially thought it was the dog, but it looks more like cat poop. though at the same time I don't know if it did actually come from my cat.

Is her change in behavior still related to the dog or is there something else possibly wrong?

Answer from Kate
well it does sound to me like a behavioral issue to me and yes I do think it is still to do with the dog.

Some cats can take some time to get used to new situations, smells, routines etc and they may always have periods where they feel that they have to assert their presence on the environment.

I don't think there is much you can do apart from making sure that your cat has plenty of things around the home that can distract them from any anxiety etc, so new toys and game times are a good idea. Also your cat needs to have a safe place they can retreat to if they want to get away from the dog etc. Sometimes this is inside a wardrobe or on top of one or anywhere the dog can't easily get to and that the cat make only there own.

here is a page with some ideas on the different cat toys available

I think this is just a time issue. Hopefully with the distractions and gradually getting used to the dog etc your cat will relax and stop these behaviors. Although i would always expect the occasional hiss. :)

best wishes KAte

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