Hi, It's been a few month that I keep noticing black bits underneath my cats chin. At first it wasn't a lot, but its getting a bit more lately. When I touch them they fall off. I have noticed a bumpy spot too and when i touched it today some discharge was released.
I have been washing his chin twice a day with salty warm water, is there any thing to be worried about? He does eat and drinks as normal. I think I am more worried about this than him. he doesn't seem bothered . thanks. by aida (Cardiff, UK)
Answer by Kate
Hi, Well there are several possibilities.
Hope this gives you a few ideas. But of course if the condition gets worse, than a visit to your vets is the best option.
best wishes Kate
Could be acne! by: Liz
Some cats get feline acne too, especially males because they have a tendency to be a tad more sloppy when it comes to grooming. If the bits run red after you put water on them then they are probably flea dirt
Black bits by: Anonymous
It's probably the type of food you're feeding her. (Dry food?) It's not a big deal, just clean them off.:)
by: aida
Thank Kate, he just had worming tablets, and also flee drops, i ve changed his food bowel to not plastic bowels now hoping that help .:)
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