Bobtail Cat with issues

by Tori

I have an American Bobtail cat that I got as a stray. I am assuming she was born this way. Due to this I am not sure of her age but have had her myself for 7 years. A couple of months ago I had to take her to the vet for a spot on her back paw. The vet told me it was a bite mark and she had bit herself. Prior to this I had seen her every so often have spas out-where she would holler, curl up toward her legs then take off running. Since the bite-I have noticed that she has had more and more of these episodes and realize this is why she bit herself.

There are very senstitive spots on her back and just below on the rear sides. It seems from reading that they have sensitivity due to nerve endings and the shortened tail. Is there anything that can be done for this?

Answer by Kate
I;m sorry but only a vet will be able to et you know if te are able to provide any treatment for this. It may be that only pain relief or sedatives are available but its worth finding out for sure.

the other option is that she may suffer from fits and tee episodes are due to a sudden fit. Again speak to your vet about this possibility.

Poor little girl this must be distressing for her. hope you can find out what is causing these problems and perhaps find her some treatment.

best wishes Kate

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