Bowel problems in cat after injury

by Jaime

My cat has just recently had stitches on his leg and has been able to urinate but I have not seen a bowel movement.

I was rubbing his tummy when I felt like poop in his tummy.

Is this normal after surgery or could this be more serious??

Any suggestions to get him to poop?

Answer by Kate
sometimes constipation can occur after surgery, sometimes due to the medication sometimes due to the stress.
Please see my web pages about cat constipation for some idea on how best to try and help your cat.
Here is the page

best wishes KAte

Comments for Bowel problems in cat after injury

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my billu
by: happy

my cat have injured from three days later!n he cant walk cant move his tail also.and he cant go to fir toilet,his belly became soo hard!!what can i do now?/

You must get him to a vets. He must be in terrible pain (although cats are very good at hiding pain).

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