breathing problems in my cat

by Mark

i got a barn cat dropped off at my place the other night. i have a few barn cats living around, but i decided to take this one in. he seems to have a breathing problem, like fluid in his lungs or something. he acts fine, but its definetly audible. also, he has some weeping in his one eye. can you give me any fix for this?

I am not a vet and so cannot diagnose what this cats actual problem is, however it could well be cat flu especially as he was a stray.

there is not much that can be done for cat flu if that is what it is. There is more information about this condition here

However ideally if you have decided to look after this cat then a check up with the vet should be on your list to do anyway as a stray cat may have other problems you may not be aware of at first and it is always good idea to know what you may be taking on.

Hope he is better soon, he is a lucky cat if he has found a new home.


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