Bren The Cat

Bren the cat - My name is Leila and these are my cat Brens cat hut pages.

Sex: Female

Age: 2

Lives in: Redcar, UK

Her favourite food is:
"Go Cat" for Indoor Cats, Whiskas Complete with chicken

This is what I like doing the best:
She loves to play hide and seek with me all over the house. She's very good indeed at finding hiding places, but she doesn't realise that going to the same place twice is a giveaway. LOL.

Her funny habits are: She tries to turn the pages of a book I will be reading. She loves bottle tops and bats them about all over the place. If family or friends come in any quantity, she burrows under the duvet and all that can be seen is a small hump in the middle of the bed.

How I found my cat: 

My best friend gave her to me after getting her from a lady who couldn't keep her as the mother cat was attacking her. She was 7 months at the time

Bren is the first cat I have ever had and she is beautiful in every way. My husband of 44 years died in 2003 and I was left to live alone.

This was a very lonely time and my best friend suggested I get a cat. He found me Bren, who was 7 months old and unwanted by her owner as the mother cat had begun to reject her.

Bren is now almost 2 years old and is small and white with black patches on her back and a black tail. Her most noticeable feature is that she has one green eye and one blue.

She is a house cat as she had never been outside when I got her and shis very nervous. I love her very much and she is the alpha female in this house of two. I was amused to watch the video clip of Simon's Cat as I go through that every morning, without of course the baseball bat.

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