Brother and Sister cats in a new home

by Stacy

I just moved in with my boyfriend and brought my 2 cats with me. The cats have been together since birth and now you would think they don't even know each other. Last night was the first night here and it was a nightmare. The male cat slept with us in bed but the female was warned away everything time she got near the bed with hisses and groans by the male cat. The female cat was miserable and crying all night. They are comfortable roaming the house room by room, as long as I am in it, but once they see each other they start hissing. Help, I want them to get adjusted to each other again and the house, but also be able to sleep at night. I have also put a litter box, food and water both upstairs and down so they can find it. Any suggestions?

Answer by Kate
yes it sounds to me like thee too cats have become a little fearful of the recent changes and have decided to take this fear out on each other. This is a common issue, so don't worry too much.

Basically the cats need time to adjust to their new surroundings and relax in it and also to rebuild their confidence in each other again.

I would suggest a period of re introduction for each of them. Perhaps you could keep one cat in one room and the other in another with regular visiting times throughout the week to each other. This will give them time and space which should help calm them down.

the introduction process is described here

best wishes kate

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