Buddy in his adorable santa claus suit. Cat Contest Entry

by Elizabeth

My Cat Buddy in his Santa Claus Suit.

My Cat Buddy in his Santa Claus Suit.

Buddy is almost 2 years old. Last year he was diagnosed with a mental health issue which was caused by a fever of 105.

Buddy is like my son he gets everything and anything he wants, he is a part of my family. If I lost him I wouldn't know what to do.

He loves to play and he had a baby named Boggie but he died 8 months ago. Buddy still grieves over him, Buddy thought he was a mommy... But vote for Buddy my adorable baby!

Comment from Kate

Hi, great picture.

I will allow this to be entered into the contest this time even though you did not meet all the contest rules (i.e. to write at least 300 words to go with your picture). If you do have some more text about Buddy then please send it to me using the comments box.

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