Buddy the Cat His Story

by Rory Ferguson
(Stonehaven, Scotland (Not U.K.!))

R.I.P. Buddy 25 March 2009 - 13 June 2011

R.I.P. Buddy 25 March 2009 - 13 June 2011

Buddy was not only a happy cat but he was my friend, even nearly a year on I'm nearly in tears typing this but I think everyone should know about him.

He was lovely, feisty at times but lovely all the same, we had quite a bit of trouble naming him though for example my Dad wanted to call him "Uranus" (after the Russian Counterattack at the Battle of Stalingrad), but eventually we settled for Buddy.

What a Character as well, he loved Rowan Atkinson whenever he was on telly he would sit and stare intently at the screen and occasionally put his paw up to the screen, he also loved the bagpipes and the fiddle unusual for a cat.

But suddenly on the 13 of June 2010 Buddy was hit by a car (that’s what I get for living next to a main road), I was very sad obviously, But I feel worse for the driver he was late for a meeting, stopped to help the clean up and was in tears the whole time, we became great friends later.

We had a mock funeral for him a day later, this was also a funeral for my Dads old bagpipes the service was delivered by my Cousin who is a priest, after the service my Dad played a final tune on the bagpipes, gave a one gun salute with an air rifle and laid them both to rest.

P.S. Sorry if this is a bit long (I'm a writer).


Thank you so much for telling us your story and no it was not too long. In fact the longer the better.
Sadly too many of our cats become victims of cars but then again so many people and so you cannot blame yourself for living near a many road, many of us do.

I’m sure that while Buddy was with you he enjoyed a happy life and that although his end was sudden and violent I’m sure he was still lucky to have found a good home with you.

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May 17, 2023
Author Here -
by: Anonymous

Thank you for anyone who still reads and comments on this. Still very much a cat lover and love this site too. Current cats are Audrey and Dennis.

Aug 08, 2015
Little Buddy
by: Anonymous

I lost little Mo the same way but never got to give her a proper goodbye. Apparently she decided to follow me in the morning and was hit. When I arrived home that afternoon my neighbour informed me. She was buried in his back yard and is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. Bless all our furry friends.

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