bump on eye and head small and bleeding a liltle

by miriam
(denver, colorado )

hello there, my cat Sam 1 year, has a little bumb on his head. Bleeding a little.We dont know if he bumped his head. We are afraid its ringworm. please help!

answer by Kate

well ring worm didn't spring to mind when you described the bump.

I would have said that it is more likely a cat bite or scratch which may have become infected. Wipe it clean and put a mild solution of antiseptic lotion on it and see how he is tomorrow.

If the lump is the same or looks worse then really you will need to get them to a vet as soon as you can in case it is an infected bite which will need medication. Also the vet will be able to make sure that the lump is not caused by anything else. Lumps can be caused by so many things, some easy to treat other may need more attention.

I do hope he is well soon

best wishes Kate

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