Callie, my inspiration

by Claire
(Bayside, NY)



When I first met Callie she was sitting in a cage at a shelter recovering from an eye removal operation. I fell in love with this teeny tiny kitten immediately and took her home. She had a bit of a time finding her way around the apartment, constantly bumping into things, or falling off furniture, due to her compromised depth perception. But didn't let that deter her in getting to know her new home. A few months later I came home to find Callie in distress. I took her to my vet , where I was told she had glaucoma and her remaining eye had to be removed immediately, due to fluids pressing against her brain. Rendering my poor little Callie completely blind. She came home a few days later, and after recovering from the surgery started finding her way slowly around the apartment. She bumped into things, fell off of the couch, bed, chairs etc but kept getting up and exploring. She got her bearings within weeks, navigating like a champ, letting nothing stop her. My vet had told me taking her for walks outside would be good for her emotional state of mind, keeping her curious and engaged. From the start Callie led the way on all of our Outdoor Adventures. Climbing up and down four flights of stairs by herself, not allowing the leash to be put on until we were at the door and ready to go outside, climbing over rocks, navigating through bushes, trying to climb trees and making friends with the neighborhood dogs. Nothing makes her happier than when people stop and give her a little attention. Of course once they stop paying attention to her and started listening to me telling the 'Tails of Callie' she would pull on her leash signaling she was ready to go. Callie started having seizures about six months later, probably a side effect of the surgery, and now takes anti-seizure medication. She has not allowed that to deter her from a life of adventure and affection. She inspires me everyday with her spirit, her curosity, and her love for life.

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May 08, 2019
One Eyed Cat
by: Anonymous

I have a one eyed cat that I adopted from a shelter as well. He is the sweetest little guy and we call him Pirate. It is so nice to read a story and see that there are others out there that adopt even those with a disability. Thank you for sharing your story!

Mar 07, 2019
CallieFitz on FB
by: Claire

Thank you 'Our Happy Cat' for publishing our stories enabling all of us to share our uplifting and heartwarming expirences, hopefully making others say Awwww.
To see more of Callie's daily antics check her out on FB @CallieFitz

Mar 06, 2019
You're the Earth Angel...
by: SDM

Great story & you're her Savior, her Guardian Angel & her best friend for life!

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