Cami the cat. My name is Alice and this is my cat.
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months
Lives in: pinellas park, United States
Her favourite food is: I do eat cat food..I love chicken but mostly I like to kill lizards and eat what I want of them and leave the rest for my slave to pick up. She doesn't complain because I act all cute and she forgives me.
This is what I like doing the best: sometimes i look out the window and talk to the ducks that walk by, i don't think they like me i wonder why. My slave just got another kitten her name is Cleo, I did not like her at first but I'll allow her to be in my presence.
Her funny habits are: I sleep in my slave's kitchen sink, and in front of her computer, my slave doesn't mind..she likes it. I also like to sleep in my slave's cloth grocery bags, I also hide in there and when my slave walks by i attack her feet.
How I found my cat: Some mean person abandoned me in a wal-mart parking lot and then my slave found me and brought me home where i took it over
After my cat of 10 years, Jewel, passed away from a long battle with cancer, I was devastated. I never thought I would get a cat again and then I was walking through the wal-mart parking lot and saw this little kitten that someone abandoned in the parking lot. I could not leave her there. She looked at me and I looked at her and I took her home. Named her cami which is short for camouflage because she blended in with my couch. whenever i am upset, cami will sit on my lap and meow and rub her head on my face. Cami's fave place to sleep is the kitchen sink and also, right in front of my computer.
HEY!!!!! KNOCK FIRST table#thumbs {margin:0 auto} table#thumbs td {text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom} when cami isn't sleeping in the sink..she chills here in front of my computercomment from kateCats do like to sleep in the strangest places don't they? I think my two cats have at least 5 sleeping places each and yes my house is covered in cat hair :)
Cami & Cleo (Cleo in the tub)
I was worried that Cami would not accept Cleo but today when i got home from work..i noticed that cami has corrupted cleo. Cleo now sleeps in the kitchen sink with cami now. Cleo is not use to photos yet, the last pic i took of her she hissed and swatted at my phone...will try to get a picture of the two together
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