Can a cat defend it's owner?

by Eric

is a cat capable of knowing when somone attacks his owner and can it defend its owner

Answer by Kate
Well cats are known for being quite cool and not particularly close to their owners unlike dogs. However I have heard stories, particularly about Siamese cats, where they have seemed to try and defend their owner during a robbery or attack. So yes it is possible.

I'm sure others here will know of other stories of cats defending their owners. After all the cry of a mad or angry cat can turn the blood cold and should make an attacker think twice, don't you think?

best wishes Kate

Comments for Can a cat defend it's owner?

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cat defender
by: Anonymous

I have had a part Siemese cat chase a Rottweiler out of the yard that was trying to attack us

Cat unhappy with my husband
by: Anonymous

My husband and I were having a heated discussion where he couldn't get his head around my actions. Our cat then jump up on the chair next to him and touch his shoulder and looked a little distressed. Could she have been defending me?

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