can a cat have a stomach ache?

by tori

my cat "lucy" hes a boy and hes not feeling well i think its happening 2 a reaction from the other night when 1 of the cat strays i take care of outside came in by acccident and bumped into him.ever snice then hes just sitting around not moveing much and int eating.also when u try 2 pick him up he meows really loud.i dont really kno wat it is .maybe he ate somthing bad,i think he has wat i had 1 time when i coudent eat,cause everything i ate came bak can u give me some advice or hav u gotton eny other case like this befor?

ANswer by kate
Yes of course a cat can have a stomach ache like th erest of us. The problem is what is causing it. If you say he was banged into by another cat it is quite possible that he has a fractured rib or bruising or perhaps even some internal organ injury, theres no way of telling over the internet. Your cat does sound in some distress so the best thing you can do for them is to take them to a vet as soon as possible.

I hope he gets better soon


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