Can cats get depressed

my cat is a 7/8 year old female silver tabby named Tiger, she has spent all of her life with my elder cat (22 years old) who is a tortishell cat named Sally, Sally died recently, it has been a week to the day since she did. Tiger has always greeted me with a raised tail and a small meow but since the death Tiger has been greeting me with a tail slightly raised at the base, but dropping to the floor. it's like she barely puts effort to raise it at all. she is also meowing alot more and asking for more attention.

it has also been a quite a warm week.

is it because she's still depressed about Sally, or could it be something else?

Answer by Kate
Hi well yes cats can get depressed and yes the death of the other cat could be the cause. However this is normal behavior when one cat dies. I have written a web page about this issue which you may find of further interest

I hope my web page can help

best wishes Kate

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