Can Male cat be with pregnant sister cat

by elaine

Hi i have 2 bengal cats one male and one female, they have always been together from being 12 weeks old, the female is now pregnant with about 2 weeks left before she has kittens if my dates are right, i have split them up now ready for the birth, but all the female is doing is crying cause she isnt with her mate, she just wont settle, do you think if i could put them back together or would he kill the kittens when theyre born

Answer by Kate
Hi , well I really don't know where these myths about Tom cats killing kittens comes from. I suspect it has come from the fact that after kittens are born sometimes the female mother cat goes into a false heat and gives off the same scents etc. This can obviously drive Tom cats wild with desire and when they try to mate with her she will tell them where to go and because the male cat is so fired up as it were they sometimes try to mate with the kittens which is physically impossible but during the process the kitten could get squashed. this is I suspect is where this myth comes from.

Not all female cats will go into this false heat anyway and so the chances of your male cat trying to mate with the kittens is rare.

So to answer your question, there is absolutely no reason why the two cats can be together now. you may want to give the mum cat and kittens a day of so after birth to bond before introducing the tom to the kittens. If you see any signs of the Male cat trying to mate then you will have to separate him from the family for a week or so.

Wishing you every happiness with your soon to have new furry family

best wishes Kate

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