can my cat survive the winter

by lexy
(Saginaw, Michigan, usa)

My cat tiger is about two and a half years old and my parents won't let him stay in the house or the garage because he goes to The bathroom in there he stays outside usually but its about 12 degrees out and he has plenty of food and has hay to lay on and a couch thing also he has shelter from animals under r porch should he be okay untill morning when I let him in the garage???

Answer from KAte
As long as your cat has some shelter and somewhere warm and dry to lay down he should be ok. It would be better if he could be in the garage over night if he wanted to as this would give him more protection from the elements.

cats are wild animals at heart and have a warm fur coat and so should be able to survive a normal winter. But if the weather became too severe then i would always say that it would be kinder to keep them in the house.

For your information you could keep your cat in the house over night in one room with their litter tray and bedding and water etc. This would also help your cat get over their need to go to the toilet elsewhere in the house. I assume he is neutered also as if not then he could be scent marking.

best wishes Kate

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