can our six week old kittens leave mum now?

by Penny Evans
(Buxton, UK)

Hello again

All your advice has been very helpful. Now the kittens are six weeks old, healthy bundles of fluff. They are using the tray and eating kitten food regularly. They're hardly nursing with Mum any more, and Mum spends more and more time outside. We have homes for these kittens, so just wish to know is it okay for them to leave some time this week? One of the kittens is staying with us. The mother cat belonged to a neighbour two doors down and she does keep going back their now. We arranged to look after this cat while she had the kittens.


Penny xx

Hi Penny

It is recommended that kittens stay with mum for at least 7 weeks. this is known as the sensitive period and is when they learn many importnant lessons from mum etc. Please see my page here about this

If possible i would keep them with mum to at least 8 weeks if possible.

best wishes Kate

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