Can you help Miri our nervous cat

by Jennifer

My husband and I recently rescued a kitten who was feral. She has gotten used to the other cats in the house but not us. Whenever we come into the room she runs under the furniture. We have had her for almost 2 months. We are worried that she might never get used to us. She is only maybe 4-5 months old. We are at a loss as to what to do. We try to cuddle her and give her affection. She gets treats and talked to. We tried to teach her how to play but she doesn't even understand the concept of a toy. Can anyone help us??? We don't know what else to do!!!

Answer by Kate
Sometimes cats do take some time to adjust to humans and the concept of being a pet cat and interacting with the family etc. feral cats may have gone through nasty experiences which has made them more scared. they also may have had no contact what so ever during their first seven weeks of life (known as the sensitive period) with people and in which case they will take much longer to learn to trust and become confident with people. So i would not worry that your little kitten is taking some time.

The answer is simple really, you have to let her decide that you are nothing to be afraid of and this is done by letting her come to you.

You will have to not make any attempt to touch her or even play with her at first just be with her and in a non threatening position i.e low down sitting on the floor. I have written a web page about this bonding procedure here

best wishes Kate

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