cancer-like lumps on my cat

by Aaron Arnold
(Lake CIty, MI, USA)

hello my cat has 2 huge lumps on her belly and they just keep growing and when they get big sometimes they pop nd leak all kinds of liquids out. we also think she is allergic to fleas b'causeshe is loosing all her hair and has about a million scabs all over her. also i forgot to mention she is about 9 yrs old. and recently i have noticed they are spreading to my other cats. we are afraid to take her to the vet cause they might say the bumps are really bad and that we will have to put her down so we really dont want to take her to the vet.......PLZ help!!!!!!!!!

Answer by Kate
My advice is to go to the vets now. cancer lumps don't burst they are hard growths inside or on the skin which are hard masses. these sound like cysts o some kind.

it could well be that your cat is allergic to the flea bites and this is causing infections. plus if your cat has fleas and is not treated properly then yes they will spread to other cats and your home.

Please read my pages about fleas it can be quite an eye opener as to how important it is to treat your animals and your home.

here is the first page

Please do not be afraid to take your cat to the vets. Their job is to help animals and to advise you. They can't make you do anything you don't want to, they are there to help. your cat may be suffering, please help her.

i hope she is better soon

best wishes Kate

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