Cat acting odd

by Katy
(Tampa, FL, USA)

He is 3 years old, gets stressed easily and is fairly frequently harrassed by my grandmother's dog who is staying with us temporarily. After spotting a flea we bathed him and saw no others (we also treated the house). While drying him we noticed some small circular bites as if he chewed on scabs or something, all focused on his back legs and tummy. A day after I was looking again and when I let him go he aggressively attacked me.

What could be wrong, is he just stressed or is something seriously wrong?

Answer by Kate
I wonder if he may have another parasite problem, possibly ring worm. the fleas may also be more of a problem than you think, sometimes they can be hard to see. bathing for fleas is not really the answer and only needs to be done in extreme cases. normally a spot on treatment is far more affective and long lasting.

the aggression may be an indication of the cat feeling slightly unwell and this could be caused by a parasite.

I have some pages on my web site about fleas and worms which you may find of further help here

Some flea treatments also protect from some worms too, check with your vet what product would be best. Often shop bought flea treatments are not as good as the ones available from the vets.

best wishes Kate

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