Cat acting strange after getting out.

My cat, who used to go outside from time to time, got lost a few months ago. She was gone for a few weeks but eventually did come home. We kept her inside for awhile, and after getting healthy again, she was pretty much back to her old self. Recently we started letting her outside again, for short periods of time, and she's began to act strange. Her personality has completely changed and she doesn't enjoy things that she used to love, like being groomed. She won't even groom herself anymore.

Answer by Kate
A cat that wont groom themselves is a unhappy cat as this is totally out of character for a cat who like to be clean and groomed.

My instinct is to say if it were me I would want to take her to the vets to have her checked over. i am wondering if there is some underlying illness which could be at the root of this.

At the very least it will give you peace of mind and if there is something wrong it is better to have it treated sooner rather than later.

A cats behavior is often the first indication that some thing is wrong. It may be that something outside is causing her to be anxious. perhaps a bully cat or a dog. You could see if keeping her in again for a week or so help to calm her down or not.

best wishes KAte

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