Cat aggression after operation

by melissa
(san diego)

I got my 8 month old cat spayed 5 days ago. Before that my 2 year old cat treated her like she was her kitten. Now she hisses at her and chases her away. How long will this last?

Answer by Kate
this could be because your kitten smells funny from the vets office and this has upset your other cat. this is not unuaal and is known as truama aggression. the aggression is not really against your kitten it is caused by the other cat feeling scared or nervous about a new situation or something that has recently happened.
usually the aggression will wear off but i always suggest to keep the two cats apart for a day or so and then to reintorduce them slowly in your presence. This helps to build the confidence and trust again and should remove the fear aspect. Take it slowly and calmly and let things settle down again.

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