Cat aggression


i have 2 cats 10 year old male 4year old female the boy after over2 years has become aggressive to the female and yesterday pinned her down and was biting her any suggestions

Answer by Kate
you have not mentioned if they are both neutered or not as this would be a factor in the behaviour. If they are not neutered then this would be the first thing to do. Even if the male is neutered but the female not this can still cause this sort of behaviour as instinct can kick in.

The other possibility is that something has happened to make the male feel fearful and he is blaming this fear on the female cat. this is a common issue also. in situations like this it is best to take a step backwards and separate the two cats for a day or so and then start to reintroduce them to each other again slowly over a week period. this allows their confidence to built up again in each other and remove any fear that may be involved.

I have a page about cat aggression which you may find of interest, also I have a page about the re introduction process. Here are the pages

best wishes Kate

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